better late than never -
working of a massive backlog of messages here, CoolApe somehow always got the short straw...
So, here's a few late comments, on a good chunk of Zody's comics specifically:
www.coolape.org/comic-zody-twifright.htmlHuh, if you look at it like that ... maybe he could be a Care bears villain.
www.coolape.org/comic-zody-pacmanly.htmlHeh, looks like Holywood's movie adaptation of Pacman.
The sequel.
Nice "sprites" at the end.
--- actually, how about making a sprite comic every now and then, this looks neat!
www.coolape.org/comic-zody-happily-ever-after.htmlSucks to be a sentient tree, I guess. ^^;
*insert Cosmo/Sonic X joke here*
www.coolape.org/comic-zody-falcon-punchout.htmlI think... the message this comic is trying to get across is:
"Join the Nintendo fun club today ... or a race driver from the future will punsh your head off."
www.coolape.org/comic-zody-writing-harry-potter8.htmlOh, okay...
That might explain some inconsistencies in the later books, like, how in book 23, why didn't Harry just use the Delorian to go back in time to kill Hitler with the power of the Chaos Emeralds he got after beating the duel monsters championship, then?
www.coolape.org/comic-zody-best-pokemon-gag-ever.html...heh, yeah. I might have already said this (I dunno, I forgot), but Psyduck's amnesia could be used to explain why Shadow the hedgehog kept forgetting about his past.
Or... Psyduck leads a happy, cheerfull life as your run-of-the-mill Pokémon.
"Psyduck used Amesia!"
Psyduck turns emo, dark and gritty, drives moter cycles and tries to uncover his tragic past.
www.coolape.org/comic-zody-rations.htmlWell... that's an image you don't see every day.
It's like... the 6 billion dollar man, except with fruits/vegetables.
He's more vegetable than human! OoO
www.coolape.org/comic-zody-megamans-greatest-threat.htmlEwww, awkward.
Yeah, I suppose Dr. Wily could always just create a robot that blew itself up,
send it into a fight with MegaMan ... who'd then blow himself up after absorbing that robot's "ability".
www.coolape.org/comic-zody-stand-together.htmlWell... 300 probably would've went differently if Legolas could just've run everybody over using star-power.
I like the idea of a Goomba - one of the most basic Mario creatures with most simple tactics in the world (walk in the same direction untill you hit an obstacle, even if it kills you) - being the leader there.
www.coolape.org/comic-zody-greatadvice.htmlThat's ... actually some pretty decent advice.
Damn you Link, stop being vulnerable to being punshed, cut, sliced, shaken and blown up!
www.coolape.org/comic-zody-pokevolution.htmlErm... okay. So... from what I've heard prior to this comic, Solid Snake is a genetic experiment or something,
but now you're telling me he's actually an evolved Magicarp that's been shrunk down to human-level size?
Eh... alright, that's a twist I didn't expect.
Hm. Kinda makes some sense - there's a couple of Snake clones / other Snakes (Liquid Snake, Solidus, Big Boss...), since there's more then one Magicarp in the world.
BUt there aren't TOO many because they don't evolve quickly.
Snake, attack Metal Gear! Use splash attack!
www.coolape.org/comic-zody-parental-kombat.htmlAh, the fun of taking frequently-repeated lines of dialog from a videogame and putting them in a different context.
Seen many Mortal Combat parodies, but these jokes are new!
www.coolape.org/comic-zody-customization.htmlWell... beauty lies in the eye of the beholder.
I bet there's
some alien species to which he looks extremely attractive.
www.coolape.org/comic-zody-e3-in-a-nutshell.htmlUh... I don't get it.
Sesame Street Fighter?
www.coolape.org/comic-zody-old-meets-new.htmlUhm... I kinda doubt that this will improve the future.
Actually, I think the act of brutally slaughtering one's own future self to death might be extremely traumatic for a young hedgehog...
So... that's probably why Sonic's later games never again were the same as his old ones.
Good job Silver, you are responsible for the exact circumstances you were trying to prevent. *rolleyes*
www.coolape.org/comic-zody-thats-so-bay.htmlHuh. I was somehow expecting there to be more explosions in this comic.
www.coolape.org/comic-zody-as-i-was-sayan.htmlWell... what DOES the scouter say about it's powerlevel, anyway?
www.coolape.org/comic-zody-baby-no.htmlYOU CAN'T DO THAT YOSHI, YOU'VE CREATED A TIME PARADOX!
www.coolape.org/comic-zody-rise-of.htmlHeh, yeah. Seen the trailer, this makes sense.
www.coolape.org/comic-zody-phone-a-mom.htmlThat's actually a pretty realistic approach to the "Gotta catch them all" dilema -
Attempting to catch all Pokémon is gonna get exponentially more difficult as time progresses - seeing how the amount of Pokémon species keeps growing at an alarmin rate.
Unless Nintendo decides to mass-extinct half of the Pokémon population, the world soon will be overrun by thousands of Pokémon species.
Catching them all is a job for Sisyphus.
Now, to wrap this up, I'll provide an indepth analysis of every comic, which ones are better/worse, and why.
www.coolape.org/comic-zody-relax-lil-buddy.htmlI LIED.